
Case "CT" Thornton vs. Tito Marones

Total Running Time: 19:34
File Size: HD 1.23GB/ 4K 1.48GB

Tito Marones   5’11” 187lbs
Case “CT” Thornton 5’11” 164lbs.

When Tito (stripped speedos) challenged CT (blue speedos) CT quickly accepted.   Giving up almost 25 pounds of muscle is no issue for CT at all.   He has enough personal confidence in his wrestling ability that a much bigger guy doesn’t phase him at all. But Tito is questionably the strongest guy that CT has ever wrestled.   CT plan is to tire the big guy out then finish him off.  But can CT take all that muscle wrapped around him and squeezing , especially if Tito uses those incredibly powerful legs?   Guess we’re going to find out.

So why you should see this match? Because it’s not everyday that we get to see a huge, ripped exotic guy get his ego broken by such a sexy, confident, skilled, lanky stud. Yes, I could alway watch a little bit more more of that!"


Tito goes right to work on CT.   He powers his want inside, real close to CT, and takes CT to the mat in a power head lock and slam.   CT keeps his cool and struggles to escape.  But Tito has the head lock on real tight and he continues to squeeze, putting almost 190 pounds of pressure on CT’s neck and head.    Tap-out time for CT !    Tito tries exactly the same thing in the second fall, but no luck.   CT is much too skilled a wrestler to get caught in the same move twice.  Tito gets CT on the mat but CT gets his legs around Tito and keeps him under control.    Tito eventually gets up and they go at it again.    Tito takes CT down and again CT’s defense is outstanding.   Even when Tito gets another head lock from the mat position, CT is prepared and escapes easily – frustrating Tito.

So for 18 minutes they go at each other.   The long, lanky, lean, muscular CT really shows his ability.  Tito uses his power and muscle, but CT is ready for him.   Tito proves how really strong he is!  CT proves how really skilled he is!  Great Match-UP ! ! !

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