If you have arrived to this page, it is because you have indicated an interest in supporting Movimus Wrestling in our crowd-sourcing campaign. Currently, we are raising funds to help us purchase new mats for our wrestlers.
Mats will cost between $1500 and $1800 and will be a much larger area than we have now. They will be lighter and safer for the guys to wrestle on.
The new mats will also feature a larger space for our wrestlers to maneuver around, and less contact with the hardwood floors in the studio.
To enable us to reach our fund-raising goal, we are turning to our fans, supporters and customers for help. Starting with a $200 donation, supporters will receive 10 matches of their choice. For $350, 20 matches, and for $500, 30 matches. If you wish to support us in other amounts, please send us a note.
I’d just like to say “Thank You” for all the support that you have given Movimus in the past. It’s because of supporters like you that we are able to deliver the “most real” and “most competitive” wrestling on the internet.